The artist who lost his mind to the passion of art.

Vincent Van Gogh was very poor and more dedicated to his art than his own life, living off of coffee and bread and buying more paint and utensils. He was also less known by the ladies and never sought to find love, rejected and practically alone. He was once found with razor in hand with his ear cut off, he was put into a hospital.
Vincent was born with another brother of the same name but he died at a young age, his mother was also an artist of watercolors and so he took after her. He lost his mind in painting and was basically blinded by imagination.
Though he was poor he never gave up on his dreams and by doing so he painted his dreams.
Despite his mad actions, his passion for art made him a very creative person. His paintings reflect upon what his eyes see, and his perspective on life.

Life in Vincent Van Gogh's world

He was utterly depressed and was confused plus he was having allot of mental and health issues so life seem to have struggled for him.

Was Vincent Van Gogh a Hero?

showed courage in times of harsh reality
never gave up on his dreams
showed others that you can be anything if you set your heart to it.


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